Making these pretzels is a perfect way to spend a chilly day, and it is so worth it when your house fills with delicious baking smells, not to mention the...

One of the things that many cooks and chefs do when they have time off is reach out to other restaurants and ask to do a brief ‘stage’, or internship...

We have video of the free-range chicken that once roamed the sidewalk and lots of photos of baby chicks for sale. We even kept the old metal chicken feeders that...

In our latest video, take a tour of the Wine Cellar with Ginger Graham. When we were excavating the basement of our old grain mill, we uncovered a one-of-a-kind jewel:...

Like everything in my grandmother’s trunk that we weren’t allowed to open while she was living. The crocheted doilies and embroidered tea towels and the 3-foot long black and white...

Today’s recipe is a simple and satisfying way to cook and serve cauliflower. It’s important to note the way to bring the most flavor and depth to the dish is...

Spiced Pecans Makes about 4 1/2 cups 1 lb. pecans, about 4 heaping cups 1/2 cup sugar 6 cups water Preheat oven to 325°F. Bring water and sugar to a...

 by Ginger Graham I’ve always loved my name. It’s unique. And since it matches my hair, it’s always been easy for people to remember. People frequently ask me if...

“Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday!” I’ve heard these words often in the last 13 years of my professional career. Usually it’s in response to a dish or recipe I’ve made...

This fall, we received countless calls from from friends and neighbors with way too many apples on their hands. While we strongly believe in sourcing as much as we can...

As the days get shorter, the garden starts winding down. I am a bit overwhelmed with fruits, vegetables, herbs and PUMPKINS! This year’s patch included about 425 plants that I...

Video: Join Ginger Graham in The Cache at Ginger and Baker as she shares how Fort Collins’ history influenced the restaurant’s design and how NoCo farmers and ranchers influence the...

When our old grain mill opened its doors over 100 years ago, the health of the business went hand in hand with the health of the land and community; seeds...

The heat of late summer inevitably welcomes the same conversations every year. First, it’s all about the weather: “Is it hot enough for you?” or “Oh my goodness, it’s soooo...

Peach season is here! It’s time to visit your local farmers’ market or take a lovely road trip to the Western Slope and buy a case of perfectly ripe, “oh...

While researching our old building’s past, we learned a lot about its 100 year+ history. The location of the building was chosen as it would be adjacent to the railroad...

If you’ve ever hung up your coat at Ginger and Baker, you may have noticed the beautiful, hand-wrought railroad spike coat racks in The Cache, Café and Wine Cellar. Or...

A little pie shop… and a different pie story – by Chef Deb Traylor. As we approach the final restoration and finish work at Ginger and Baker and sprint through...

Taking inspiration from salvage Over the past months of restoration and construction, we’ve been incredibly lucky to work with a number of skilled craftsmen and women who have helped bring...

Lessons learned and a dang good breakfast sandwich by Chef Deb Traylor It’s an exciting time at Ginger and Baker! We’re getting close to the finish line… but there’s still...

Peaches, peaches and more peaches! by Chef Deb Traylor Beautiful Colorado peaches are everywhere right now, so we thought we’d better bring you two of our favorite ways to make...