
No, we’re not talking about the recent judgement issuing an injunction against Fort Collins’ ordinance banning women from going topless,

The catwalk was once a busy part of the mill. Located on the uppermost rafters of the mill (what might

Windows, Sashes and Doors, Oh My! by Ginger Graham In 2013, the State Historical Fund and History Colorado received a

Sticky Business by Ginger Graham While the external work on the new construction is highly visible, there is also a

It’s fun to see our name in front of all of this work. In a few months, the real Ginger

Construction and renovation are well underway at the future site of Ginger and Baker and many people have expressed interest

History, Community, Creativity and Pie When people ask why we’ve undertaken the task of preserving this old building the answer

Preserving Summer for Winter Now that the frost is on the pumpkin, we’re working on canning the final yield from