Earlene’s Strawberry Pie

Join Ginger in the Ginger and Baker Teaching Kitchen as she shares one of her mom’s famous recipes – Earlene’s Strawberry Pie – featuring fresh strawberries and loads of whipped cream… or cool whip if you prefer!

Strawberry Pie and Sharing Recipes

 By Chef Deb Traylor

A few days ago, I attempted to make “Earlene’s Strawberry Pie” from a recipe card written in Ginger’s mom Earlene’s own handwriting. Granted, I didn’t flatter myself into thinking I could duplicate this pie and have the same results as Earlene did. But as I made it, I did imagine the love and care she put into each step. I remember Ginger telling me Earlene always used the strawberries that she and her husband, Roy, would grow in their garden. 

When she was “fixin’ to make a pie,” Earlene would send Roy out to the garden and he’d eat as many strawberries as he would pick, so they were never sure if there’d be enough for a pie when he made it back to the kitchen. Then Earlene would put those fresh, juicy strawberries into the pie and once it had set, Roy would top his slice with a big old spoonful of Cool Whip and dig in.

Roy and Earlene, circa 1950 Roy and Earlene, circa 1950

What I love is that Ginger not only shared the recipe, but she shared its story. In fact, when you ask Ginger about “Earlene’s Strawberry Pie,” you’ll see the happiness in her face when she tells you about this particular family recipe. 

Shared recipes are a gift, and once given will remain just as they were intended, as a reminder of love, care and the happiness they gave. 


Earlene’s Strawberry Pie 

  • 4 1/2 Tbsp. cornstarch
  • 1 1/2 cups sugar
  • 1 1/2 cups water
  • 1 (3 oz) box strawberry Jell-O (don’t use sugar free)
  • 1 1/2 quarts strawberries
  • 1 (8 to 9-inch) baked pie crust
  • whipped cream, for serving

Combine cornstarch and sugar in a saucepan. Add water, stir well and bring to a boil. Simmer until mixture is thick and clear, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and stir in Jell-O until fully incorporated. Cool until just about set and fold in strawberries. Spoon into prebaked crust and refrigerate until pie is set and can be cut cleanly. Serve with freshly whipped cream. Or Cool Whip. 

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