Carrie Ann Seckman

Rockstar Wrangler

What does a rock star wrangler do? The real question is, what doesn’t a rock star wrangler do? Most importantly, Carrie Ann has the incredible gift of making our guests (and all of us) feel incredibly special… and incredibly organized.

Carrie Ann is integral to The Cache’s charm; taking care of special guest requests, managing large party reservations, managing and coordinating event inquiries, and even stepping in as maître d’ when the need arises.

Born in Dearborn, Michigan, Carrie Ann grew up in Arizona, then spent a year in Hawaii. “My first restaurant job was at the Jolly Roger on the beach in Kona,” she said. “So much fun!”

Then her mad organizational skills kicked in and she worked in the electrical industry for more than a decade. She then moved into finance, keeping brokers on their toes at Edward Jones and then at Ameriprise Financial.

Her husband’s job in the electrical industry gave them the freedom to transfer where they wanted, so they moved closer to his Wyoming roots and settled in Windsor several years ago. The Hearth Restaurant & Pub was one of the next business to benefit from her magic. “I had a full time day job at Gallegos Sanitation when they were still around. First in customer service and then their events department.  I began working at Hearth in the evenings when they opened. I started as host and greeter, learned the floor, managed Sunday brunch and did some QuickBooks,” she said. “A couple years in, the maître d’ had to leave so I stepped into that role at Chimney Park as well.”

Lucky for us, Carrie Ann joined the team at Ginger and Baker in 2022. One of her favorite parts of her job? “I love the holidays! Mother’s Day and Easter when everyone is dressed up. Christmas and New Years are so fun and festive!  It’s fun to work with CC’s Flowers and offer bouquets at everyone’s tables when they arrive,” she said. “It’s also great to connect with the community, I like it when I get to put a name to a face and meet someone I’ve been talking to on the phone for months.”

When not working, Carrie Ann loves to travel with her husband, Ryan, and visit son Christopher his wife Rebecca and their pup Porter in Arizona as well as hit the East Coast to visit their daughter McKenna in New York.

Her favorite pie? “For a sweet pie it’s a double crust apple pie with a slice of sharp cheddar melted on top!”



Valentine's Weekend Specials

Enjoy fabulous food and drink specials in The Cache, Café and Bakery!